2. Country-Specific Sections

While the standard is structured to be meaningful on an international level, there are additional information that can be added that makes sense in specific countries, such as declaring compliance with local laws or regulations. The provided extension mechanism is the usage of country-specific sections.

All country-specific sections live under a key named after two-letter lowercase ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. For instance spid is a property for Italian software declaring whether the software is integrated with the Italian Public Identification System.

If a software is compliant I will find:

  countryExtensionVersion: "1.0"
   - spid: yes

Notice that country-specific keys within international sections are not allowed. Countries that want to extend the format should add a country-specific section instead.

2.1. Italy

All the keys listed below are specific for Italy and, as such, they must be inserted in a section named with the it code. Every Country is specified using a two letters country code following the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard.

2.1.1. Key countryExtensionVersion

  • Type: string

  • Presence: mandatory

  • Value: "1.0"

This key MUST always be set to 1.0.

2.1.2. Key conforme

This section contains the keys for auto-declaring the compliance with the current legislation, with respect to the following sections. Not including these keys implies that the compliance is not known or not declared. Key conforme/lineeGuidaDesign

  • Type: boolean

  • Presence: optional

If present and set to yes, the software is compliant with the Italian accessibility laws (L. 4/2004), as further explained in the linee guida di design (Italian language). Key conforme/modelloInteroperatibilita

  • Type: boolean

  • Presence: optional

If present and set to yes, the software is compliant with the linee guida sull’interoperabilità.

Regulatory reference: Art. 73 del CAD (Italian language). Key conforme/misureMinimeSicurezza

  • Type: boolean

  • Presence: optional

If present and set to yes, the software is compliant with the Misure minime di sicurezza ICT per le Pubbliche amministrazioni (Italian language). Key conforme/gdpr

  • Type: boolean

  • Presence: optional

If present and set to yes, the software respects the GDPR.

2.1.3. Section piattaforme Key piattaforme/spid

  • Type: boolean

  • Presence: optional

If present and set to yes, the software interfaces with SPID - il Sistema Pubblico di Identità Digitale. Key piattaforme/cie

  • Type: boolean

  • Presence: optional

If present and set to yes, the software interfaces with the Italian electronic ID card (Carta di Identità Elettronica). Key piattaforme/anpr

  • Type: boolean

  • Presence: optional

If present and set to yes, the software interfaces with ANPR. Key piattafome/pagopa

  • Type: boolean

  • Presence: optional

If present and set to yes, the software interfaces with pagoPA.

2.1.4. Section riuso

This section contains a set of keys related to the publication of the software inside the reuse catalog of Developers Italia. Chiave riuso/codiceIPA

  • Type: string (iPA code)

  • Presence: mandatory if repoOwner is a Public Administration

  • Example: c_h501

This key represents the administration code inside the Public Administration index (codice IPA).